City of Westminster, London, UK

Comprehensive refurbishment and extension of an existing 1960s office building in London’s West End
Project Details
Collective Team
One Welbeck Street was built in the 1960s and is located at the boundary between the fine urban grain of the conservation area to the north and larger more comprehensive 20th century plot redevelopments to the south, the NCP car park opposite and the Debenhams store which occupies the entire urban block between the end of Welbeck Street and Oxford Street.
The façade has been redesigned and part-reconstructed, allowing for a new double height expressed entrance and the incorporation of two set back upper levels with terraces offering additional amenity to the high level office space. The existing entrance was located directly opposite the unsightly vehicular entrance and exit to the car park so was relocated to the northern end of the building; the main core has been rationalised, creating clear and open office floorplate offering a dual aspect with views over the street and courtyard.
The courtyard façade has been over-clad to improve the thermal efficiency of the building overall and facilities such as cycle storage, showers and change rooms have been added.
The building has a BREEAM Excellent rating.