Stevenage, UK

Project Orange

Aukett Swanke were commissioned to carry out a masterplan for a Science & Innovation Park in Stevenage aside the existing GSK campus. The masterplan integrates an existing major global life sciences headquarters with underdeveloped land to form an exemplar Science & Innovation Park to attract leading companies

Project Details

  • Location UK
  • Type New build
  • Sector Life Sciences / Healthcare
  • Client Kadans
  • Services Architecture

The design promotes a sustainable park that fosters creativity and interaction, a place that promotes health and wellbeing and provides a world class offer building on the already established life sciences facility

The Master Plan
Aerial view of master plan

The approach has been to create a people-based centre with central spaces and clear orientation through the campus. The buildings and spaces are carved out of a natural landscape, and with a central lake that ensure best water management but also used for swimming.

With a focus on health and wellbeing that is based on nature, exercise and social interaction the park will attract best talent as a place that people want to work.

The energy created by having different companies coming to the park and feeding into the campus ecosystem will generate a world class Science & Innovation Park.

Amenity Green: active ground floor

This space is the heart of the park. It attracts all the activities for leisure and for business. It connects both sides removing the physical barrier of the middle road.

The amenity green will feature a flexible lawn for open events, linked to the main auditorium. A gym situated in the centre of the park will support the use of the sports fields, a running track and a swimming lake.

1. Existing site / 2. Boulevards

The masterplan has been designed to be flexible - a strong and simple concept that allows the sequence, size and type of building to adapt to suit the market needs over time.

Main entrance view
Secondary entrance view

Three boulevards diagonally link across the site with two main spaces at the corner of each one, an amenity green and a swimming lake.

The boulevards will be people-biased with cycles, scooters and front door drop off for cars.

All cars coming to the campus day to day will go around the perimeter road and into car parks, and all servicing will use the perimeter roads and service into the rear of the buildings.

Reception view
Amenity view
Explore Molecular Sciences Research Hub Molecular Sciences Research Hub