Hounslow, London UK

This extraordinary project sees a farm near to Heathrow Airport being transformed into 3 million square feet of below ground, highly flexible employment space with a public sports park and leisure heath above
Project Details
Collective Team
The existing farmland consists of high quality gravel, ideal for the construction industry’s concrete mix requirements, which will be excavated in phases and introduced into the market.
The Park Roof will then be constructed in the phased sequence as a unique multi-purpose membrane consisting of roof structure, sports pitches, natural planting, services zones and passive thermal mass.
Access, daylight, fresh air and extract ventilation will be achieved via a discreet central and open topped street at the lower level, combined with eyelid forms cast into the park roof to create a healthy and inspiring workplace.
This blend of sustainable land reuse, permeable roof architecture and landscape design will create an innovative new public amenity and an agile workplace opportunity for the local neighbourhood and international tenants.
It is an example of our pioneering 3D master planning approach developed across a range of Hybrid projects in London and the UK