Moscow, Russia

Competition design for a 146,000sqm mixed use development on a 2.6Ha site in western Moscow
Project Details
Collective Team
The design comprises 68,000sqm of apartments in blocks ranging from 14 to 36 floors together with 8,000sqm of retail, residential amenities and kindergarten, and provides over 900 below ground parking spaces
The layout of the masterplan maximises the number of apartments with views looking north and north east across Moscow, whilst also creating two connected internal garden squares for the residents.
A new pedestrian avenue, incorporating existing trees, runs through the site and creates a link to the nearby Metro Station.
Existing trees have been retained as much as possible to retain a natural character and heritage in the landscaping and will be enhanced by planting new trees and low level green landscaping across the site. Retail is located on the lowest two floors and is focused on the adjacent two main streets, following the main footfall in and around the site.
The facades will incorporate traditional materials including a variety of brick colours and natural stone, and simple, elegant glazing and proportions to achieve a crisp variety for each apartment building.