Moscow, Russia

A biosphere approach mixed-use scheme based in the Skolkovo Innovation Centre, a high technology business area in Moscow. It comprises two schools, one junior and one senior with associated accommodation, in addition to new office premises for the client comprising roughly 30,000sqm
Project Details
Collective Team
The design is typified by a large, singular, sawtooth roof that sits over a series of lattice frames. This framework ties the schools, office and accommodation together in a temperate environment that provides shelter from the harsh Russian winters.
The nature of the structural system and roof allow maximum flexibility within the plan which uses five large open air courtyards to bring daylight and green spaces to the centre of the building.
To this end the building uses oversized corridors and breakout circulation spaces to create areas for children or office workers to programme as needed beyond the traditional classroom and office space.
The scheme builds on extensive research by Aukett Swanke into school and office design with the practice working in close collaboration with the client’s management and education teams to deliver a design highly acclaimed by the Skolkovo Innovation Centre’s international design committee