Cambridge Science Park, UK

Mixed use redevelopment of the Trinity Centre site, set at the southern gateway to Cambridge Science Park and also known as the ‘Hub’
Project Details
Collective Team
The location of the site presents an opportunity to create a new pedestrian ‘Gateway’ to the park, opening up the site, and welcoming staff, visitors and local residents into the park.
Three buildings are set around the existing lake to create a focus of activity for the park and continue on from the success of the Bradfield Centre, which we completed in 2017, in helping facilitate collaboration and communication for the occupants on the Park.
The mix of uses includes a 153 room hotel, conferencing facilities, gym, restaurant and café along with 9,050sqm lab enabled office, plus new new public realm within the existing landscape.
The use of timber frame, green walls, and a climbing wall all contribute to strong ESG credentials for the proposals.
A key masterplan aspiration for the Hub site is to create a new public pedestrian movement from the entrance and through to the centre the site, linking the new Cambridge North Station and the Guided Busway to the heart of the Cambridge Science Park.