Uxbridge, UK

We were appointed to master plan a 6.9Ha business park that would be set in 40Ha of Green Belt land in 2001; we completed the first phase in 2005 and have now delivered all five buildings on the site
Project Details
Collective Team
The buildings are sited to take full advantage of the open landscape whilst allowing the visitor a clear view of all the buildings on arrival at the park. The narrow approach to the site provides a leafy entrance to a curved boulevard which acts as one of the key elements of the masterplan.
The masterplan provides for 300,000sqft of office space and was designed to be flexible enough to incorporate all the space in one building or as a collection of divisible plots.
The site involved significant work with the Environment Agency to manage the high water table and sustainable drainage into the river and involved a balancing pond that dealt with these issues and enhanced the beautiful landscape setting the park enjoys.
Our most recent project at Uxbridge Business Park has been the installation of a new second floor link bridge connecting two of the five buildings on the site.
The bridge not only provides connectivity between the two buildings, but also space for meetings and a café. The project was designed and delivered to a fast-track programme with completion in May 2021.